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Month: March 2020

When touching is forbidden,

Posted in Technology & Research

When I was 18 years I was diagnosed with Usher Syndrome and it took me another eighteen years to understand which were the consequences of this disease and realize that it is one of the main causes of deaf blindness.
The level of hearing loss and low vision still allows me to have a quite normal communication despite when I don’t succeed in reading lips or when the volume of the telecomunication devices is not adequate.
I have already written about the difficulties that hearing impaired can have nowadays during this pandemic caused by Coronavirus.
Today, in this article, I want to talk about the sense of touch.
This sense is very important for deaf blind people because it allows them to communicate.
If you have never seen how it is possible to communicate with the tactile sign language you can watch this video
As far as the actual social restrictions of quarantine are concerned, it’s obvious that some actions and facilities should be granted to deaf blind people otherwise they wouldn’t be able to live and survive.
Perhaps they would use gloves or they would wash their hands carefully.

Anche il profumo é proibito?

Posted in Technology & Research

Gli uomini possono chiudere gli occhi davanti alla grandezza, davanti all’orrore, e turarsi le orecchie davanti a melodie o a parole seducenti. Ma non possono sottrarsi al profumo. Poiché il profumo è fratello del respiro. Con esso penetrava gli uomini, a esso non potevano resistere, se volevano vivere. E il profumo scendeva in loro, direttamente al cuore e là distingueva categoricamente la simpatia dal disprezzo, il disgusto dal piacere, l’amore dall’odio. Colui che dominava gli odori, dominava il cuore degli uomini.
Patrick Süskind, dal libro Il profumo