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Awareness campaign with Sesame Street’s Julia captures worldwide attention

Posted in General

July 29, 2019

Julia, the well-known muppet in the Sesame Street cartoon series, who
has autism, is spreading an important message in a new campaign. The makers
of Sesame Street are partnering with American NGO Autism Speaks to create
awareness about early diagnoses and intervention.

In 2017 iconic cartoon series Sesame Street won kudos the
world over for introducing a new character in their line up. The muppet,
called Julia, is a character on the autism spectrum and her presence quickly
became one that many people began looking forward to.

Julia, who is four years old, is making news once again, this time as the
face of a campaign that is emphasising the importance of early intervention.
The campaign, a joint collaboration between the makers of the series and
well-known NGO Autism Speaks, urges parents to get their
children screened early.

Called See Amazing in All Children, the campaign shows Julia
engaging with other muppets in an interactive way. Parents in India like
Pratima Vikram Bhinge are looking forward to seeing the
campaign here too.

Pratima, who has a business venture in handmade boxes with son
Kush called Little Trovebox calls this an
innovative way to spread awareness.

Any initiative that promotes early screening for autism is appreciated.
Early screening would mean that the child gets intervention at his early
developmental stages, and that is going to open up many possibilities.
Awareness about autism is increasing and there are plenty of therapies,
alternate learning facilities and technology supported devices that are
available to bridge the communication gap. If parents and caregivers can
tap into these possible interventions at an early stage, the child can go
miles ahead. –Pratima Vikram Bhinge, Parent to child with

There are two advertisements with Julia promoting the cause. In the first as
seen here, Julia is seen communicating with her father using a
computer tablet telling him that she wants to play with her dog. The aim is
to show how children with autism communicate differently. In the second ad
her friends, Julia is seen putting on noise-reducing headphones as
children with autism are sensitive to loud sounds and noises. The idea is to
sensitise children towards the needs of other kids on the spectrum and build

The aim is also to make more parents aware. Though autism can be reliably
diagnosed in children when they are as young as 18 months old, most children
aren’t diagnosed until they are between the ages of four to five. This is
more so the case with children from low income group families.

The ad campaign, which is bilingual, hopes to address these gaps, helping
parents to learn the signs of autism and understand the importance of early
screening and diagnosis and make a meaningful difference in the lives of
children with autism.

“Receiving an autism diagnosis is just the first step in creating a better
future for a child on the spectrum, and there are multiple benefits to
getting that early diagnosis,” saidAutism Speaks President/CEO
Angela Geiger
in a media release. “Research shows that early
intervention can have a positive impact in so many ways, and we are dedicated
to helping parents learn the signs and feel empowered to help their children
lead their best lives”.

The new ads are already on air across the United States and have been
received well. Such a campaign in India would be well received too, believe
many parents.

“This is a great initiative because parents have to be aware of early
intervention and diagnosis. Moreover, such characters help sensitise people,
especially the younger generation. Even today, when children with autism
attends public gatherings they are looked with sympathy and that is something
they do not need. I believe such cartoon characters will rightly serve the
purpose”, says Sangeetha John, who has a daughter with

Recently, the cartoon series Peppa Pig introduced a
character Mandy Mouse, on a wheelchair. Such characters are
a great way to introduce disability and inclusion in the lives of children.


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