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Travelling can be fun for people with disabilities with the right precautions – Guest Column by Unni Maxx

Posted in General

July 22, 2019

Our guest columnist today is Unni Maxx, the well-known disability
rights activist from Kerala, who believes that travelling is for everyone,
regardless of disability.

Who doesn’t like to travel the world? For some people, travelling to new
places and meeting people is a passion. My father was a musician, so he had
to travel a lot as part of his job and I used to accompany him a lot. At the
age of 22, I met with an accident and was bedridden for months. During that
time, I longed to check out unseen shores across the wold. Since I was not
even using a wheelchair at that time, I was unsure whether I will be able to
fulfil my travelling dreams.

My friends were my energy boosters, literally. Even though it was fun
spending time with them, I felt I was missing something and did not know
what exactly it was. After a few years, I got freedom to travel after
getting a wheelchair! Travelling to my courtyard or another room on my own
was a thing of joy for me

I had to wait six long years for freedom after I got my new car. It was a
great opportunity because I could slowly start fulfilling my dreams of
travelling on my own. I converted it to a hand-controlled vehicle and started
driving around, another glad moment of my life. Gradually, I started
traveling longer distances. From being confined to the four walls of my home,
I started exploring. I got a life partner who is also an ardent traveller.
Parvathy loves visiting new places and is always willing to
come out, anywhere at any time.

It was during those times that I started thinking of people who had to
confine themselves into their homes due to a disability. People tend to ask
why a disabled person has to go out, and that is the society’s perspective
towards us. When I got my car, the first thing I did was to go to houses of
many other people with disabilities to inspire them to come out. In fact, we
formed an association with like-minded people by conducing several camps and
job training.

Today, there are many NGOs and organisations that are working towards
creating that change. Disabled people are even able to get a driver’s
license which is a great thing! We have more accessible places and new laws
to protect our rights.

In spite of all this, majority of the places are not accessible the way it
should be. I feel that the government is yet to recognise and work towards
our needs. India must learn from other countries. Honestly, visiting foreign
countries has been easier for me due to their great accessibility. Last year
I visited South Africa and the facilities for disabled people surprised me.
Some countries are more wheelchair friendly than others. Singapore, where I
first visited, is one among the best. You can go around freely anywhere on
the chair.

For me travelling is a stress buster. It helps me realise that there are
bigger problems in the world than what I go through. We have been to several
places inside and outside India, and definitely have more plans ahead. I
never felt disability is going to limit me from seeing the world. Accept your
circumstances and know your limits and plan your trip accordingly. Don’t
spoil the excitement that awaits you.

I can share a few tips for a disabled traveller. Firstly, try and get an idea
about how accessible your travel destination is. Get details of facilities
offered there. In some places there might be accessible buses, trains, and
taxis. Make sure that the room where you stay is accessible, including

There may be some organisations or agencies exclusively working for disabled
persons. Get details if they are available.

Always be prepared to embrace the unexpected. Things might not be as good as
the comfort of your home. But trust me, challenges are fun. The world is not
a dark place, There are many people who wants to lend you a helping hand at
time of need.


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